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Sunday Meeting times:
1:00 pm: Prayer & Bible Study
2:30 pm: Fellowship Break
3:00 pm: Sermon Hour
4:00 pm: Fellowship/Pot-luck Dinner
For directions and more info, please contact the pastor.
Our Pot-luck is a time of fellowship and exhortation every week after our meeting. It includes covered dishes brought by the families. Although guests are invited to stay for the meal, guests are not expected to bring any food.
If you have been blessed by our online ministry and are led of the Lord to send much needed support in return, we would praise the Lord for your prayerful consideration in this regard, although we do not want to serve as a replacement for your faithfulness to a local church in your area if you can find a church worthy of your support.
To donate by PayPal, please follow these instructions:
For additional ways to donate to Independence Baptist Church, please email us at [email protected] or use the contact form below.
Independence Baptist Church
c/o Sam Adams, Pastor
P.O. Box 11
Inverness, Florida 34451